Buy a Membership

Two Types of Membership

Both types of membership are valid from September 1, 2024 until August 31, 2025.

NOTE: All members must be 18 years of age or older.

You must show your membership card for admission.

Annual Members $10

Your annual membership gives you:

  • ability to purchase tickets for any of our screenings
  • email reminders of film nights
  • the opportunity to vote and volunteer

You can pay for a membership with cash at any screening. Or you can buy online and pick up your membership card at the first film you attend.

Note that our films start promptly. Please allow time if you are purchasing a membership at the door.

Sustaining Members $120

Pay once and don’t pay again all year! A sustaining membership entitles you to all member benefits plus free admission to all films.

Sustaining memberships make a great gift!

Buy a Membership

If you were a member last year, visit the membership renewal page for instructions on renewals.

If you are buying two memberships on the same device, you must sign out of the first membership before buying the second one.



How to Buy a Membership

  1. Enter your name, email address, phone number and mailing address into the form above. Please include the town, province and postal code on the second line.
  2. Scroll down and click the type of membership you wish to purchase.
  3. You’ll see that the payment option selected is Credit Card (Online via Stripe) and a form will display below.

    Fill in the name on your card, your billing address, your credit card number, the expiry date (month and year) of your credit card and the CVV (or CVC) code from the back of your credit card.

    Our website helps speed up this process by automatically filling in your name and address information when you left click in those empty boxes. Note: For payment to complete successfully, the name and billing address must match those the credit card company has on file for you; edit those fields if needed.

    Your credit card payment will be handled by our payment processor, Stripe. For security reasons, neither our website nor Stripe saves your credit card information, so the next time you purchase a membership or ticket from us you will need to re-enter your credit card information.

  4. Click the Continue button.
  5. Wait a few moments while your payment is completed. For successful payment, do not leave the page until you see the “Thank you!” popup which confirms your payment has been processed.
  6. Check your email inbox to confirm that you’ve received a receipt from us. It may take several minutes to arrive and could end up in your junk/spam folder.
  7. If you want to purchase a second membership, sign out of the first membership before doing so!  You’ll find the Sign Out button in two places: in the tabs above the form, and at the top of the right-hand sidebar on every page.

Buying Two Memberships under the Same Email Address

Our membership software allows you to have two memberships under the same email address, but you have two separate accounts under two different names, with two different passwords.

If you forget to log out of the first account before signing into the second, you can mess up. (How to fix this if it happens.)

Here’s how to buy two memberships under the same email address.

  1. Follow steps 1 – 6 in the section above to buy the first person’s membership.
  2. This is important: Sign out of the first person’s membership account.
  3. Enter the second person’s information into the form above, including name, email address, phone number and mailing address into the form above. Please include the town, province and postal code on the second line.
  4. Our membership software will notice that you are using the same email address as you did for the first person’s membership. It will say “You have an existing account. Do you want to sign in to your existing account?” It will give you the options of “Sign In” and “Create New Account”. Click Create New Account.
  5. Follow steps 1 – 6 in the section above for the second person’s membership purchase.
  6. Sign out.

Fixing Things If Two Accounts Have Same Email Address and Password

You can end up with two accounts having the same email address and password, if you forget to sign out of the first person’s account before renewing or purchasing the second person’s membership.

Once this happens, you can only sign in to the first person’s account.

To fix this, sign in to that membership account and change the password to something new.

Now you’ll be able to sign into the first person’s membership using the new password and the second person’s membership using the old password. Make note of the passwords somewhere.